Method Name:
Information about your account, such as: account code, name, settlement details, account creation and modification dates.
Input Parameters:
Sesskey (string)
A Session Key is granted when you successfully AUTHENTICATE with our API. Sending an Account Code and Token with the AUTHENTICATE command will return a response which includes a SESSION KEY.(assuming you have provided Correct Credentials)
Once a Key is obtained , It proves you are a valid authenticated user and you will need to pass it to us as you make any and All subsequent API calls. Session keys can be used for a full 25 Hour period ( the extra hour allows you to be comfortable programming for a 24 hour daily authentication task )
A Session key is also tied to the IP address which you presented to us when you Obtained it !! So if, say you authenticated , obtained a session Key, then gave it out to some programmer working in a different location , an attempt to use that key would result in an Error. Specifically error code 5050 would be encountered. This is by design , and it helps us better secure your cardholder data from malicious parties.
Now, depending on your architecture , your IP might change during a 24 hour period just as a normal occurrence, so we recommend you always monitor for error code 5050. If you receive this error then most likely we are seeing your traffic coming from a different IP than the One which originally was used to AUTHENTICATE. The solution to this problem is to simply run the AUTHENICATE command again and obtain a NEW session key. So Remember, If you receive a 5050 error, please authenticate and get a new session key. same goes for a 5030 error ( expired session key ) . If you receive either a 5030 ( expired key ) or a 5050 ( unauthorized IP address ) please run the AUTHENTICATE command to obtain a new SESSION KEY.